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Thames Festival

Photograph by David SheppardDescribed by the Evening Standard as "London’s biggest end-of-summer party", the Mayor's Thames Festival celebrates London's river with open air arts, river events, pyrotechnics, illuminations, street theatre, massed choirs and music.

The first festival was held in 1997 and featured a stunning high-wire walk across the River Thames. It has grown over the years to become one of London’s largest annual events.

In the words of Adrian Evans, Festival Director, "essentially, we want to provide a celebration for London and its river, a city centre party if you like, one that is free and open to all. We want to close roads and bridges and transform them with culture. We want to educate and transform people's ideas about the river, too. Most of all, we want people not just to be spectators, but to be active participants in this spectacular London event".

Please visit the Festival’s website for more information (opens in a new window).