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Thames 21 Cleaner Waterways Challenge

Media release from Thames21

Charity challenges MPs to take part in the
'Cleaner Waterways Challenge'

Leading waterways charity Thames21 is launching the Cleaner Waterways Challenge campaign in September 2006.

Spearheaded by the Minister for London Jim Fitzpatrick MP, the charity is calling for at least one MP from every London borough to volunteer at a clean-up on a London waterway between September 2006 and the next General Election.

Leigh McAlea, spokesperson for Thames21 said, "We work with thousands of volunteers every year to clean up London’s rivers and canals. We want MPs to demonstrate, through their actions, what can be done to restore littered and neglected waterways to health. Actions speak louder than words and we urge London's MPs to swap their parliamentary papers for Wellington Boots and join us at one of the many clean-ups and foreshore events we run every year."

Jim Fitzpatrick added, "As an MP, I know the importance of cleaner, safer and greener spaces to the well being of the local community and beyond. By volunteering at a Thames21 clean-up, MPs can and must demonstrate how much more we can achieve if we all pitch in together – especially in the run up to the Olympics in 2012 when London’s waterways will be on display to the world."

The campaign was launched by inviting every MP in London to join Thames21 at the Cleaner Thames Challenge, Isle of Dogs. It is the biggest clean-up in its ten year history and will take place over five consecutive days on the Thames foreshore in the Isle of Dogs between Friday September 8 and Tuesday September 12.

Thames21 is an environmental charity working with communities to improve and maintain London’s rivers and canals. Its mission is to create clean, safe and sustainable waterside environments for all.

The Cleaner Thames Challenge – Isle of Dogs takes place on Friday September 8 – Tuesday September 12 inclusive. For details visit www.thames21.org.uk/news/cleanerthameschallenge_06.html (opens in a new window)