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Rowing clubs rewarded

Alex Brown with Chris Williams

Alex Brown, PLA river manager (left) with Chris Williams from Tideway Scullers School
(click to enlarge image)

Three Thames rowing clubs have received prize money totalling £2,000 after they were judged the best at adopting the new Rowing Code of Practice which was introduced last autumn. 

The Port of London Authority (PLA) funded the prizes, with Tideway Scullers School taking the 'Overall Winner' title and £1,000 and Auriol Kensington Boat Club the 'Runner Up' prize of £500.  Both clubs reached the top spots for having the fewest disciplinary points, compared to the number of active members, in the last year.  A special £500 prize for making the most dramatic improvements since the Code was launched was picked up by Imperial College Boat Club.

The Code was developed by the PLA and the Thames Regional Rowing Council (TRRC) in response to an increasing number of incidents involving rowers on the tidal Thames above Putney. 

Speaking at the presentation of the prizes, PLA chief harbour master, David Snelson said:

"We've been impressed by the way the rowing community's taken to the new rules.  There's been a very real drop in incidents which shows the benefits of working together with the TRRC over the development of the code.  The competition for these prizes was very close indeed and we are looking forward to seeing who comes through to pick up next year's prizes."

The introduction of the Rowing Code is part of a wider PLA initiative to enhance safety on the upper tidal Thames between Putney and Teddington Lock.  River users now have easier access to advice, with a PLA river manager based at Richmond Lock.  Award-winning patrol boats have also been introduced which are better suited to the shallow waters of this part of the river and are considerably more fuel efficient.

Contact: Martin Garside, Port of London Authority, Tel: 01474 562366 or email. Photos available on request.

Notes to Editors:

  • The Port of London Authority is responsible for navigational safety and related matters on 150km (95 miles) of the tidal Thames from Teddington to the sea
  • Photos available on request from Martin Garside, PLA.
  • The Rowing Code is available on this website (pdf file, opens in a new window)