
River Thames careers kickstarted

Two “kickstarter” trainees have secured longer-term contracts with the Port of London Authority (PLA).

Following six-month placements as part of the governments Kickstart scheme, designed to help unemployed young people get their foot on the career ladder, Enrik Hoxha, from Gravesend, and Sean Holdforth, from Welling, are both now on the PLA’s payroll. Their roles will be reviewed at the end of 2022.

Enrik (22) works in the IT department and has played a key role, helping staff work online from home during the pandemic.

Sean (23) is a data and performance monitoring assistant in the PLA’s environment team. His role involves surveying the foreshore of the Thames for litter and biodiversity.

Enrik said: “I’m glad I applied for the Kickstart scheme- I enjoy my role so I’m really pleased our contracts have been extended.”

Sean added: “The scheme lasts six months but it can lead to a longer-term opportunity.”

Glenn Witham, PLA director of HR, said: “The Kickstart scheme has done exactly that; kickstarted careers.

“These young people are the future of the PLA, so it’s great we can provide this opportunity.”