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PLA welcomes new river crossings announcement

The Port of London Authority (PLA) has warmly welcomed the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan’s, announcement of a package of new crossings in East and South East London.

PLA chief executive, Robin Mortimer, said:

“The crossings announcement is great news for London and the River Thames. As a package, the Mayor’s proposals will help achieve the Thames Vision – making the most of the river over the next twenty years. The crossings will enable large vessels to continue to call in London, supporting thousands of jobs and at the same time provide much needed new infrastructure to reconnect people in east London across and with the river.”

The PLA has been actively engaged in discussions around plans for a new pedestrian and cycle bridge linking Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf. It also advocated for the Thames to play a major role in delivering the Silvertown Tunnel, resulting in the environmental commitment that at least 55% of all material for the project will be carried by river.

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  • The PLA works to ensure navigational safety along the tidal Thames, sharing its marine, environmental, planning and other expertise to promote use of the river and safeguard its unique marine environment.
  • The tidal Thames is the UK’s busiest inland waterway for passengers and freight, home to the country’s second biggest port by tonnage of goods handled and a major centre for sport and recreation.