
One-way system at Richmond footbridge to combat coronavirus

As part of measures to tackle the spread of the coronavirus, a one-way system for pedestrians and cyclists crossing the Thames via Richmond Footbridge is being introduced by the Port of London Authority (PLA).

From Good Friday (10 April), access to the footbridge will be restricted to the southern (Surrey) bank only.

This means the north to south route (from Twickenham to Richmond) will be closed until further notice.

Mark Towens, the PLA’s harbour master for the upper tidal Thames, said: “This is sadly a very necessary measure. We must do all we can to support the Government’s guidance to the public on limiting the risk of the coronavirus spreading.

“The narrow nature of the Richmond Footbridge’s design means that it is very difficult to observe the recommended two-metre social distancing, particularly when users meet half-way across.

“We hope this one-way system will allow us to protect public health, without having to close the footbridge entirely.

“Whilst stressing the need for everyone to help saves lives and protect the NHS by staying at home as much as possible, we do recognise that exercise is needed to maintain good physical and mental health at this worrying time. But it must be done safely, in accordance with all the public health guidance.

“Whilst our staff based at the lock will be monitoring the situation closely, we clearly are going to require the goodwill of the public to make this temporary arrangement work effectively.

“I have to stress that, if people flout the one-way system, we will have no other alternative but to halt all public access to the footbridge.

“It’s obviously something we would prefer not to have to do. That’s why we are asking for the co-operation of everyone who uses the bridge.

“We will lift the restrictions as soon as we can, in line with Government guidance.”