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New guide to Port of London shipping terminals

A new publication out now highlights the diversity of the port terminals and wharves on the River Thames.

Produced by the Port of London Authority - ‘Port of London Handbook 2016’ sets out key information for people involved in the transport, shipping, freight, logistics and related sectors.

The 148 page full-colour A4 book includes:

  • articles about the latest river and PLA developments
  • details of the different terminals in the Port of London
  • maps showing terminal locations
  • information on facilities and services
  • details of key contacts, maritime businesses, suppliers and agents
  • information on shipping services to and from the Port of London

With the Thames providing great access to and from the biggest market in the UK, this is a useful tool to assist people involved in moving cargoes in and out of the UK.

The digital version is available now at: https://www.pla.co.uk/assets/2016handbook.pdf

Hardcopies of the Handbook are available free of charge to people working in the transport, shipping, logistics, and freight sectors. To receive a copy, please email: [email protected] stating your name, company and full postal address.