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Have your say on tidal Thames’ future – one week left

The Port of London Authority (PLA) is urging anyone with an interest in the tidal Thames to get online and share their views on the future of the tidal Thames, with just seven days until its initial engagement period on the river development framework closes.

Views are being sought as the PLA starts work with stakeholders to shape Thames Vision 2050, an updated framework for development of the 95 miles of river from Teddington Lock to the North Sea. The engagement phase opened at the start of June and will close at midday on Wednesday, 14 July 2021.

The original Thames Vision was developed by the PLA and stakeholders through 2015, covering 20 years out to 2035. Today the Thames is home to the UK’s biggest port, busiest inland waterway for passengers and freight and is a centre for sport, recreation and culture.

Over the last four weeks, the PLA has hosted two public webinars to inform the debate and an informal drop-in session at London Rowing Club where people could discuss ideas and concerns. In addition, the PLA has published a five-year Thames Vision Progress Review, an emerging priorities stakeholder engagement document and a port trade forecast, setting out scenarios on our route to net zero.

“This is a unique opportunity to shape the future of the Thames,” prompted PLA chief executive, Robin Mortimer. “We’ve shared a lot of information; we’ve brought expert panelists to share their views of the changes that will affect the Thames between now and 2050. With all that in place and just one week to go, we want to hear what your vision is for the Thames in 2050.”

Thames Vision 2050 is expected to reflect greater urgency around climate change and resilience, the transition to a low carbon future, new post-Brexit trading relationships, changing patterns of consumption and life in cities.

To have your say, simply complete the simple, four-question survey online at: https://www.pla.co.uk/About-Us/The-Thames-Vision/Thames-Vision-2050-Stakeholder-Engagement.

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Notes to editors: