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Fuel spillage 19 September

The Port of London Authority (PLA) continues to establish the exact cause of the spillage of ship fuel oil on Sunday (19 September 2010). The release of the fuel oil occurred in the Thames around 0700 on Sunday from a cargo ship arriving in the Thames. The current estimate is that about 200 litres of fuel oil entered the water.

The PLA harbourmaster for the Thames Estuary area began an immediate investigation. The PLA also deployed its two oil spill response / clean up vessels 'Respond' and 'Recover' during Sunday and some oil was successfully removed from the water.

Regrettably, some oil was washed ashore at a number of foreshore locations in the Canvey and Southend areas. The PLA is liaising closely with the local authorities at Castle Point and Southend who will carry out any foreshore clean up work that may be be necessary. Examinations of the foreshore at locations have found small 'globules' of oil attached to seaweed at and near the waterline