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Dartford MP’s floating, fact-finding trip on tidal Thames

The hidden efforts of Port of London Authority (PLA) workers to protect and champion the tidal Thames were praised by Dartford, MP Gareth Johnson, on a visit to the river (29 April).

Talking points during the trip included the Thames Vision 2050., the PLA-led strategy, which aims to ensure the river thrives economically, socially and environmentally, with safety of all river users always a key priority.

Among the other topics discussed were the Thames Freeport, the development of London Gateway’s fourth berth, Tilbury2, the Lower Thames Crossing and the latest developments along the Dartford river front.

Mr Johnson commented: "PLA staff work tirelessly to ensure the river is used to its full potential.

“It was fascinating to get on the water and see this first-hand.

“Much of the PLA’s work, including regularly scanning of the riverbed and structures in and alongside the river, is vital.

“This 'unseen' activity, which most people don't even know goes on, ensures that the ships and boats using river and the businesses based alongside the Thames can go about their daily business."

John Stevenson, head of government relations at the PLA, said: ”The Thames Estuary is a hive of activity, with many new developments in and around the Dartford logistics hub.

“It was great to showcase our operations and continue our work with Gareth and his team.”