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Brandon’s Thames career kickstarted

Brandon Cripps (19), from Hoo in Kent, has secured a contract with the Port of London Authority (PLA), just two months into a temporary placement, funded by the government’s Kickstart programme, designed to help unemployed young people build long-term careers.

The former student of motor vehicle engineering at Bromley College started his six-month Kickstart placement with the PLA’s marine services team in early May.

With a fresh contract, putting him on the PLA’s payroll, he will now stay in post until at least the end of the year.

Brandon’s role involves maintaining infrastructure along the 95-mile course of the tidal Thames, from Teddington to the North Sea.

His line manager, Michael Russell, said: “Brandon has rapidly established himself as a reliable and hard-working member of the team. Right from day one, he has shown the highest levels of enthusiasm and commitment. It’s right that we should convert his traineeship into a PLA funded role.

“Brandon will be a vital pair of hands for us, helping cover colleagues’ summer leave. Given the exemplary attitude he has displayed, a permanent, long-term role is not out of the question.”

Prior to the pandemic, Brandon worked temporarily on pleasure boats in central London.

A total of 11 trainees have joined the PLA via the Kickstart programme, working across a range of departments, from environment, legal, HR, IT, finance and facilities.