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Boating boost for coastal community

Eashaven is named
Cllr Beverley Egan names the
new PLA vessel
by John Window and Richard Everitt

(click on image to enlarge)

The latest addition to the Port of London Authority (PLA) fleet was named today at Holehaven Creek.

The patrol boat Easthaven, a 5.25m catamaran, has been specially commissioned to work in the shallow waters around Canvey Island in Essex.

The vessel can float in just 30cm of water, is capable of speeds of up to 20 knots, and is kitted out with lifesaving equipment including a four man life raft. It enables PLA haven master John Window to carry out his duties supporting local fishermen and leisure boaters.

Easthaven was formally named by Mayor of Castle Point, Councillor Beverley Egan, in a special naming ceremony by the waterside.

Welcoming the news, Basildon MP Angela Smith, whose constituency borders Easthaven' s patrol area said: "This vessel is just the latest example of the investment the PLA is putting into South Essex, and will be a welcome addition to the protection available for our area."

Investment in the new £32,000 vessel comes on top of £145,000 spent by the PLA last year on a new causeway to improve access to the creek for boaters.

Bob Spink opens the causeway
Bob Spink MP opens the new causeway
(click on image to enlarge)

Building the causeway, which was officially opened by Castle Point MP Bob Spink at today's ceremony, was specially timed to cause minimal disruption to local wildlife.

The old causeway was left in place during construction and only removed once its replacement had been completed; allowing boaters to access the water throughout the works.

Dr Spink said: "The new causeway has made it easier for the 30 or so fishing vessels that work from Holehaven Creek to land their catches.

"I'm pleased to see the PLA has been sensitive to both their needs and those of the environment while working on this project to improve river access for Canvey's boaters."

The guests enjoy the new boat
PLA chief executive Richard Everitt
and guests on board Easthaven
(click on image to enlarge)

Richard Everitt, chief executive of the PLA, said: "The action we've taken is a significant investment in Canvey Island, its creeks and waterways. It demonstrates our commitment to those who earn their livelihood, or spend their leisure time, on the Thames."

Notes to Editors:

  • The Port of London Authority is responsible for navigational safety and related matters on 150km (95 miles) of the tidal Thames from Teddington to the sea
  • Photos available on request from Martin Garside, PLA. Tel: 01474 562366 or email.